Saturday, August 1, 2020

August 2020 - Arts Calendar for Children & Young People

As we move into August, more arts educators and performers are creating online engagements for children and young people, as well as for educators and parents.

Here are some that may interest you:

The Buguri Podcast by Radio Active 90.4MHz
The exclusive radio show for children.
Stories, songs and activities for children. 
Runs thrice a week. 
Stories for children (Gujrati)
Bachpan Ki Urdu by Theatre I-entertainment
Stories for children (Urdu)


Storytellers’ StudiOH

Writing Workshops for 15 and above! 

We’ve been stuck inside for too long, right?
Our adventures are limited to discovering half-eaten food in the refrigerator or to those in our favourite shows and books. Well, it's time to dive into the stories you want to tell, stories that stay in your mind as ideas that you wish to write.
Here's a window for you. Storytellers’ StudiOH is conducting writing workshops for beginners to let their creativity flow. Senior citizens and students are especially encouraged to attend.

Limited seats, so grab yours soon!
For more details contact- Om +91 7499604464 | Kiran +91 90494 26191

*If your child loves stories, then this is for them!*
Story Train is storytelling of course, but so much more! 
In addition to sharing stories, we try to understand the characters, their goals, and what they’re trying to teach us.  Our goals are to instill a love of reading and to develop humane qualities among the children. It is an appreciation of the fact that each one of us is entirely unique in the world– there will never, ever be another person exactly like any one of us. That means all of us have something important to contribute. And it all starts with a story!

To apply into the programme, kindly go through all the details and fill up the form here--

▶️ Only 10 students in the batch 
▶️ Admission on first come, first serve basis. 
▶️ Registration closes on 10th August.
▶️ Course begins on 17th August 2020 via ZOOM app.
▶️ Open to participants from all around the world.


  • Mirror, Mirror on the Wall, an online drama club for 8-13 year olds
  • It's All in your Head - a writing a wellbeing workshop for 14-18 year olds
For details and registration

Drama Skills Weekend Learning Program for Children (ONLINE)Duration :- Once a week for 3 months (14 Sessions)
One session of 1.5 hours every Saturday morning
Age groups : 7 years to 10 years and 11 years to 15 years
(Separate batches for each age group)
7 years - 10 years [Every Saturday 9.00 AM to 10.30 AM]
11 years - 15 years [Every Saturday 11.30 AM to 1 PM]

The medium of instruction : Marathi, Hindi and English
Starting from 1st August 2020
Program Fees : ₹ 2500/-
Early-bird registration : ₹ 2100/- (valid up-to 25th July 2020)
For registration :

For more details :
Call us on 9284698586 or write to us at



Theatre Professionals Education

Please click here to register and for more details 


Sphere Arts
Announcing our first open workshop for in-service teachers of grades 1 to 5!
As schools and educators around the country grapple with the possibility of an extended period of online learning, we bring to you a specially crafted module for online pedagogy for teachers - Leaping Out of Boxes

Come learn creative strategies borrowed from Visual Arts, Drama, Film, Photography and Literature to help you plan and execute online classes that are engaging, interactive and dynamic!
Details in the image. LIMITED SEATS!

Contact via



  1. Sono ALESSANDRO GIANCARLO residente in VIA LE SORMANI, 119 CUSANO MILANINO, mamma di due bambini, con difficoltà a mantenere la mia famiglia. Un amico mi dà informazioni sul Sig. Michel COMBALUZIER, quindi li ho contattati per una richiesta di prestito di 42.000€ e ti posso assicurare che in 72 ore ho avuto accesso al mio prestito personale. Che mi ha permesso di rendere felice la mia piccola famiglia; Volevo quindi condividere con voi questa felicità. Per qualsiasi richiesta di credito non esitate a contattarli. E-mail :

    E-mail :


  2. Ciao

    Il vostro credito serio tra gli individui

    Avete bisogno di un credito tra individui.

    Sì, tra individui.

    Voi fate la vostra richiesta e il contratto sarà firmato tra voi e me.

    La banca si occupa solo del trasferimento.

    Richiedere un credito non dovrebbe più essere un problema.

    Richiedi un credito tra 5000€ e 500.000€ e lo avrai in 48 ore

    Termini convenienti senza il fastidio.

    Mio indirizzo mail

    Buona comprensione
