Saturday, June 6, 2020

Online Theatre Engagements for Children June 2020

Many of us are looking for arts and theatre based activities for children. Be it workshops, performances, drama clubs or activity pages.

Here is a list of some Indian theatre artists and companies offering a variety of engagements for children and youth.

You can visit their websites / social media pages / youtube channels / apps and get contact details.

Gillo is not officially presenting any projects with the listed organisations. This is a post for parents and teachers who are looking for resources.

Have a safe and happy monsoon!

Team Gillo
(If any artist would like to contact information to be changed or deleted, please do let us know)


  1. Do you have any online theatre engagement or course for children's & youth, are you conducting any courses of theatre, can I get address of your office to get in touch with you

    1. As mentioned in the post, Gillo is not conducting any online courses. But you can connect with the listed organisations and get info about the courses they are offering. You can contact us by email at for further info.

  2. Sono ALESSANDRO GIANCARLO residente in VIA LE SORMANI, 119 CUSANO MILANINO, mamma di due bambini, con difficoltà a mantenere la mia famiglia. Un amico mi dà informazioni sul Sig. Michel COMBALUZIER, quindi li ho contattati per una richiesta di prestito di 42.000€ e ti posso assicurare che in 72 ore ho avuto accesso al mio prestito personale. Che mi ha permesso di rendere felice la mia piccola famiglia; Volevo quindi condividere con voi questa felicità. Per qualsiasi richiesta di credito non esitate a contattarli. E-mail :

    E-mail :
