Gillo Repertory Theatre's
Suggested age 4 years to 10 years
Originally commissioned by the
Kala Ghoda Children's Literature Festival as a part of the KALA GHODA ARTS
FESTIVAL 2012 in Mumbai
Story by Anitha Balachandran
Published by Young Zubaan
Performed by: Manoj Karki, Jigna Khajuria, Sriparna Chatterjee, Janit Temkar/Barkha Fatnani, Prasad Dagare and John Soans/Sahil Gangurde
Design: Tanya Mahajan and Prasad Dagare
Music: Sharvari Deshpande and Vighnesh Sinkar
Direction: Shaili Sathyu
The story:
Two siblings, one very strange Aunt, and a flock of escaped birds... Magic and mayhem comes in unexpected shapes and sizes to one small corner of a very big city.
Each part of this spectacular story by Anitha Balachandran will delight and amaze children. Together with the delightfully quirky text, this unique story brings to life the wonders of our city and the world seen through the eyes of these two - rather special - young children.
Mister Jeejeebhoy... has been performed in Mumbai,
Kolkata, Pune and Bangalore, at schools, literature festivals and in theatres.Story by Anitha Balachandran
Published by Young Zubaan
Performed by: Manoj Karki, Jigna Khajuria, Sriparna Chatterjee, Janit Temkar/Barkha Fatnani, Prasad Dagare and John Soans/Sahil Gangurde
Design: Tanya Mahajan and Prasad Dagare
Music: Sharvari Deshpande and Vighnesh Sinkar
Direction: Shaili Sathyu
The story:
Two siblings, one very strange Aunt, and a flock of escaped birds... Magic and mayhem comes in unexpected shapes and sizes to one small corner of a very big city.
Each part of this spectacular story by Anitha Balachandran will delight and amaze children. Together with the delightfully quirky text, this unique story brings to life the wonders of our city and the world seen through the eyes of these two - rather special - young children.
Upcoming shows:
26th and 27th November 2019 in New Delhi
At Pitara TYA Festival, Bal Bhavan
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