Come watch a PLAY
and do a WORKSHOP with our actors
A performance that takes you beyond the story...
A workshop that takes you into the play...
Performance-cum-workshop 2hrs 30 min Ticket Rs.500/-
Only performance 40min Ticket Rs.150/-
About Gillo
GILLO Theatre Repertory is a Mumbai based group that works exclusively in Theatre for Young Audiences, which includes content development, performance and training. Our focus is on developing and showcasing original Indian content; developing value for performing arts; creating age-specific performances; training performers and making theatre more accessible to children through performances and workshops.
Gillo and Bangalore
We have previously visited Bangalore in 2010 and 2011 with our plays Kyun Kyun Ladki and Suar Chala Space Ko.
We have previously visited Bangalore in 2010 and 2011 with our plays Kyun Kyun Ladki and Suar Chala Space Ko.
Over the past 3 years many parents and schools have requested us to bring plays and workshops to their spaces, instead of hosting shows in a formal theatre. This planted the seed for our short performance-cum-workshop project.
So here we are, offering you specially created performances for children, along with a connected workshop that literally takes them into the play.
Every workshop is carefully designed to explore the form and content of the play. It will be an intense 2.5 hours of immersing oneself as audience and participant. Hence the group size would be 40 children.
Some of the plays have been staged for schools, communities and events in Mumbai.
So here we are, offering you specially created performances for children, along with a connected workshop that literally takes them into the play.
Every workshop is carefully designed to explore the form and content of the play. It will be an intense 2.5 hours of immersing oneself as audience and participant. Hence the group size would be 40 children.
Some of the plays have been staged for schools, communities and events in Mumbai.
About the performance-cum-workshops
Language: English
Duration: 2.5 hours (40 min performance + 1hrs 30 min workshop + 20 min break)
Age: 5+
About the play: Two siblings, one very strange Aunt, and a flock of escaped birds... Magic and mayhem comes in unexpected shapes and sizes to one small corner of a very big city.
Each part of this spectacular story by Anitha Balachandran is brought to life in an interactive form that will delight and amaze children. Come, become a part of the 'strangeness'.
This play was first performed as a commissioned piece for the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Mumbai in 2013.
Cast: Vighnesh Sinkar, Sahil Gangurde, Nishna Mehta, Ishita Dave, Sharvari Deshpande, John Soans, Prasad Dagare.
About the workshop: Can this be that and that be this? We shall use drama games and activities to discover our own unique and strange qualities. The workshop will help children unleash their imagination and bring it alive through innovative theatre techniques. Mime and sound effects with everyday objects shall be used to explore wacky ideas and strange situations. The focus shall be on interpretations and original ideas.
Some responses from our audience:
I loved the play because the children got anything they wanted. Muskaan
I loved the play. I wish that I also had magic. This was also a very funny and a strange play. Vansh
... And the magic is so magical that we see geometrical birds all around, colourful branches sprouting, a bus appearing and disappearing in mid air, furniture boxing and the biggest magic of all, we see little children having so much talk about, think about, draw about and write about.... Meenu Thomas, (teacher at Muktangan)
Language: English
Duration: 2.5 hours (40 min performance + 1hrs 30 min workshop + 20 min break)
Age: 5+
About the play: Granny's favourite sari was a very special one. Granny had washed her sari and hung it on the clothesline to dry, when the wind came and blew it away.
Granny and her granddaughter Anu go searching for the sari across the village. But do they find the sari?
Performed in a musical storytelling form, it is an adaptation of Bangalore based writer Asha Nehemiah's book published by CBT India.
Cast: Hetal Varia, Sharvari Deshpande, Ishita Dave, Prasad Dagare, Vighnesh Sinkar, John Soans
About the workshop: Rhyme and rhythm shall be the focus of this workshop. We can all make music with our body and with our voices, we don't always need musical instruments. Sound-scapes, chorus voices, rhythms with simple actions and other techniques shall be explored. The workshop shall make children more aware of rhythms around and within themselves.
Some responses from our audience:
Very encouraging workshop. Seems to be very personalised. Benedict Phillips (parent of workshop participant)
Very good performance and excellent experience! Sujata Ghosh (parent of workshop participant)
Language: English
Duration: 2.5 hours (40 min performance + 1hrs 30 min workshop + 20 min break)
Age: 5+
About the play: Two siblings, one very strange Aunt, and a flock of escaped birds... Magic and mayhem comes in unexpected shapes and sizes to one small corner of a very big city.
Each part of this spectacular story by Anitha Balachandran is brought to life in an interactive form that will delight and amaze children. Come, become a part of the 'strangeness'.
This play was first performed as a commissioned piece for the Kala Ghoda Arts Festival, Mumbai in 2013.
Cast: Vighnesh Sinkar, Sahil Gangurde, Nishna Mehta, Ishita Dave, Sharvari Deshpande, John Soans, Prasad Dagare.
About the workshop: Can this be that and that be this? We shall use drama games and activities to discover our own unique and strange qualities. The workshop will help children unleash their imagination and bring it alive through innovative theatre techniques. Mime and sound effects with everyday objects shall be used to explore wacky ideas and strange situations. The focus shall be on interpretations and original ideas.
Some responses from our audience:
I loved the play because the children got anything they wanted. Muskaan
I loved the play. I wish that I also had magic. This was also a very funny and a strange play. Vansh
... And the magic is so magical that we see geometrical birds all around, colourful branches sprouting, a bus appearing and disappearing in mid air, furniture boxing and the biggest magic of all, we see little children having so much talk about, think about, draw about and write about.... Meenu Thomas, (teacher at Muktangan)
Language: English
Duration: 2.5 hours (40 min performance + 1hrs 30 min workshop + 20 min break)
Age: 5+
About the play: Granny's favourite sari was a very special one. Granny had washed her sari and hung it on the clothesline to dry, when the wind came and blew it away.
Granny and her granddaughter Anu go searching for the sari across the village. But do they find the sari?
Performed in a musical storytelling form, it is an adaptation of Bangalore based writer Asha Nehemiah's book published by CBT India.
Cast: Hetal Varia, Sharvari Deshpande, Ishita Dave, Prasad Dagare, Vighnesh Sinkar, John Soans
About the workshop: Rhyme and rhythm shall be the focus of this workshop. We can all make music with our body and with our voices, we don't always need musical instruments. Sound-scapes, chorus voices, rhythms with simple actions and other techniques shall be explored. The workshop shall make children more aware of rhythms around and within themselves.
Some responses from our audience:
Very encouraging workshop. Seems to be very personalised. Benedict Phillips (parent of workshop participant)
Very good performance and excellent experience! Sujata Ghosh (parent of workshop participant)
Language: English
Duration: 2 hrs 30 min (40 min performance + 1hrs 30 min workshop + 20 min break)
Age: 8+
About the play:
Told with Objects, Material, Music & Actors. This is a joint production by Gillo and Tram Theatre using Object Theatre form.
Devised and performed by: Hetal Varia, Prasad Dagare, Vighnesh Sinkar, Sharvari Deshpande and others.
What is Object Theatre: Branching out of puppet theatre in the 1940’s, Object Theatre is often referred to as the rebellious first cousin of puppetry!
Telling a story through ordinary things found in our homes, gardens, streets, and every other surrounding is at the heart of this art form. Like a hair dryer, rope, cups, plates, toys, soap, lock, key and all other sundry items…..Items that were not constructed specifically to create art and learning, but to merely fulfil utilitarian functions in our lives. Items that we take for granted...And makes us realise that indeed imagination is in everything and in all of us.
About the workshop: Let's transform stones, strings, toys - anything around us to express and share our thoughts. A bucket is a swimming pool. Pieces of wood make a city. A shoe and a purse go for a walk. And we can make the audience believe it. Let's imagine, discover the hidden life of everyday things and create wonderful stories for the world to see.
About Tram: Tram Theatre, India is a theatre company specialising in Object Theatre. It was born in 2011 with the coming together of professionals from mixed arts backgrounds., including objecteurs, actors, puppeteers, storytellers, physical theatre artistes and others. Plays include ‘Nostos’ (Homecoming), Alice in Wonderland, Bird’s Eye View, etc. Besides making plays, Tram Theatre organises workshops for theatre professionals, children and teachers.
Language: English
Duration: 2 hrs 30 min (40 min performance + 1hrs 30 min workshop + 20 min break)
Age: 8+
About the play:
There was no better way to describe Aditi than 'perfectly
ordinary'. Until a week ago, when her mother went to the school counselor with a peculiar problem. The problem was with her hair!
Birsa lived in the forests of Jharkhand over a 100 years ago. He was a tribal leader of 'extraordinary' qualities.
the perfectly ordinary Aditi encounters the extraordinary Birsa and
they find themselves in an impossibly connected situation - she with her
hair, and he with his forest.
100 years is not enough to keep our lives from mingling!
A story about magic and realism, and magic-realism! Told with Objects, Material, Music & Actors. This is a joint production by Gillo and Tram Theatre using Object Theatre form.
Devised and performed by: Hetal Varia, Prasad Dagare, Vighnesh Sinkar, Sharvari Deshpande and others.
What is Object Theatre: Branching out of puppet theatre in the 1940’s, Object Theatre is often referred to as the rebellious first cousin of puppetry!
Telling a story through ordinary things found in our homes, gardens, streets, and every other surrounding is at the heart of this art form. Like a hair dryer, rope, cups, plates, toys, soap, lock, key and all other sundry items…..Items that were not constructed specifically to create art and learning, but to merely fulfil utilitarian functions in our lives. Items that we take for granted...And makes us realise that indeed imagination is in everything and in all of us.
About the workshop: Let's transform stones, strings, toys - anything around us to express and share our thoughts. A bucket is a swimming pool. Pieces of wood make a city. A shoe and a purse go for a walk. And we can make the audience believe it. Let's imagine, discover the hidden life of everyday things and create wonderful stories for the world to see.
About Tram: Tram Theatre, India is a theatre company specialising in Object Theatre. It was born in 2011 with the coming together of professionals from mixed arts backgrounds., including objecteurs, actors, puppeteers, storytellers, physical theatre artistes and others. Plays include ‘Nostos’ (Homecoming), Alice in Wonderland, Bird’s Eye View, etc. Besides making plays, Tram Theatre organises workshops for theatre professionals, children and teachers.
Schedule for July 2013
Fri 26th morning Booked for school show
Fri 26th 4.30pm Granny's Sari @ Yours Truly Alma, Indiranagar
Sat 27th morning Booked for parents' group (private show)
Sat 27th 4.30pm Mister Jeejeebhoy and the Birds @ Jagriti (Lumbini), Whitefield
Sun 28th 10.00am Granny's Sari @ Sinchana, J P Nagar
ONLINE BOOKING at www.bookmyshow.com
REGISTER by email to gillo.gilehri@gmail.com and we shall inform you about payment options (Send your name, name of play, date, number of seats and category )
Advance booking:
Yours truly Alma - 25th July onwards, 4pm to 7pm
Jagriti - 26th July onwards, 4pm to 7pm
Sinchana - 27th July onwards, 4pm to 7pm
Current booking starts 2 hours before the show at each venue. Call 7406464356
Fri 26th 4.30pm Granny's Sari @ Yours Truly Alma, Indiranagar
Sat 27th morning Booked for parents' group (private show)
Sat 27th 4.30pm Mister Jeejeebhoy and the Birds @ Jagriti (Lumbini), Whitefield
Sun 28th 10.00am Granny's Sari @ Sinchana, J P Nagar
Sun 28th 4.30pm Mind Your Head @ Sinchana, J P Nagar
Mon 29th morning Booked for school show
Mon 29th 4.30pm Mind Your Head @ Yours Truly Alma, Indiranagar
Mon 29th morning Booked for school show
Mon 29th 4.30pm Mind Your Head @ Yours Truly Alma, Indiranagar
ONLINE BOOKING at www.bookmyshow.com
REGISTER by email to gillo.gilehri@gmail.com and we shall inform you about payment options (Send your name, name of play, date, number of seats and category )
Advance booking:
Yours truly Alma - 25th July onwards, 4pm to 7pm
Jagriti - 26th July onwards, 4pm to 7pm
Sinchana - 27th July onwards, 4pm to 7pm
Current booking starts 2 hours before the show at each venue. Call 7406464356
Limited seats per show:
Only performance 30 seats
Performance-cum-workshop 40 seats
(Performances are open to children and adults. Workshops are ONLY for children. Limited seats.)
Kindly refer to target age mentioned on previous pages before booking seats
General enquiry: Ishita Dave at +91-9167000458
Coordinator: Prasad Dagare at +91-9820282023
Artistic Director: Shaili Sathyu at +91-9820593736
Email: gillo.gilehri@gmail.com
Blog: www.gillogilehri.blogspot.in
Facebook page: Gillo
Kindly refer to target age mentioned on previous pages before booking seats
General enquiry: Ishita Dave at +91-9167000458
Coordinator: Prasad Dagare at +91-9820282023
Artistic Director: Shaili Sathyu at +91-9820593736
Email: gillo.gilehri@gmail.com
Blog: www.gillogilehri.blogspot.in
Facebook page: Gillo